Controlling a noisy class can be challenging, but here are some strategies to help: 1. *Establish clear expectations*: Set rules and consequences for noise levels at the beginning of the year or lesson. 2. *Create a positive learning environment*: Encourage engagement, respect, and active listening. 3. *Use non-verbal cues*: Hand signals, facial expressions, or gestures can remind students to quiet down. 4. *Proximity control*: Move around the room to monitor noise levels and refocus students. 5. *Give individual attention*: Address noisy students privately to avoid embarrassing them in front of peers. 6. *Use noise-reducing techniques*: Incorporate quiet activities, group work, or think-pair-share to minimize noise. 7. *Encourage student participation*: Engage students in lessons to reduce restlessness and noise. 8. *Use technology*: Utilize noise-monitoring tools or apps to track and display noise levels. 9. *Offer incentives*: Reward quiet behavior with privileges, points, or recogn...