Here are some questions starting with "would" that can be used in various contexts:
1. Would you be willing to relocate for a job opportunity?
2. Would you prefer to work in a team or independently?
3. Would you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
4. Would you be open to learning new skills or taking on additional responsibilities?
5. Would you rather work on short-term projects or long-term initiatives?
6. Would you describe yourself as a creative or analytical thinker?
7. Would you be comfortable with public speaking or presenting to large groups?
8. Would you prioritize task completion or relationship building in your work?
9. Would you be interested in pursuing further education or certifications?
10. Would you be willing to take calculated risks or play it safe in your work?
11. Would you value autonomy or structure in your work environment?
12. Would you be able to adapt to changes in the industry or company priorities?
13. Would you consider yourself a problem solver or a strategic thinker?
14. Would you be open to feedback and constructive criticism?
15. Would you prioritize work-life balance or career advancement?
These "would" questions can help explore a person's preferences, willingness, and potential, providing valuable insights in various contexts, such as job interviews, team building, or personal development.