Sign of Acceptance of Good deeds: How will we know?? Whether our Salah, Dhikr, Sadaqah, Charity, Social work, Good deeds and Work, Donations, Zakah, Hajj, Roza, Fasts, Sacrifice, Qurbani, Patience, Umrah, Repentance, Istaghfar, Dua, Prayer are accepted. Sign of Acceptance: There will be positive change in your life. *You will become pious, good and righteous * You will give up sins, evil deeds and wrong doings * You will become responsible * You will do more and more good deeds * You will strive to become good and do good deeds * You will maintain good relationships with relatives, colleagues, neighbours * You will take care of poor, needy, widow, orphan * You will help and support people * You will speak good words or remain silent * You will offer Salah regularly with humility and submissiveness * You will perform obligatory and voluntary duties