Marry good and pious person: Don't marry to convert and change deviant and bad persion to good person
Marrying someone to make him/her a Salafi is not from the Salafi Dawah.
Do you want to marry a deviant and give him / her dawah to Salafiyyah ?
Beware!!! Read this and think again.
Some brothers and sisters say that they are ready to marry a deviant and would bring their spouses upon Salafiyyah later. This is throwing oneself into destruction.
Do you know how much could this deal cost? Let's how much did it cost Imraan bin Hattaan.
Imran bin Hattaan was a Tab'iee. He was known to be a Salafi. He had a cousin who was of marriageable age. She was very beautiful and good looking whereas he wasn't. But he was a Salafi and she was a khaariji . He said that he would marry her and bring her upon Salafiyyah.
All those who knew Imraan, told him not to marry her but he went ahead with this. Soon he lost his Manhaj and became a khaariji and started praising ibn Muljim who killed Ali bin Abi Talib رضي الله عنه . A Salafi became a deviant due to a marriage with a deviant.
Hence, it is an act of destruction. A person may do this to invite someone else to Salafiyyah but end up leaving Salafiyyah instead.
This is mentioned by: Imaam Adh Dhahabi in Siyaar An Nubala, Imam Ibn Kathir in Al Bidaayah Wan Nihaayah , And ibn Hajar in Taqreeb Al Tad'heeb and others.