[Al-Imām] Ibn Jareer [may Allāh have mercy on him] said:
“They [the Pious Predecessors and Successors] used to deem it desirable to shower every night during the last ten nights [of the blessed month of Ramadān]. [Al-Imām Ibrāheem] an-Nakha‘ee used to shower during the last ten nights; therein every night and he used to apply perfume during the nights in which he hoped was the Night of Decree.”
Latāif al-Ma’ārif | Page 189 | Al-Imām ibn Rajab al-Hambali [may Allāh have mercy on him]
Islamic and Whatsapp Status:Ramadan Status: Desirable acts on last ten nights of Ramadan: "Take Shower and apply perfume"