Sunday, 29 January 2012

Negative qualities of mankind : Transgression and Ingratitude

Transgression and Ingratitude
"Nay! Verily, man does transgress (in disbelief and evil deed), because he considers himself self-sufficient." (Qur'an: Translation of the meaning, 96:6-7)
"Verily! Man (disbeliever) is ungrateful to his Lord."
(Qur'an: Translation of the meaning, 100:6)

Many people in general do not express gratitude to Allah. They transgress and disobey, feel proud in wealth and impatient in poverty. The acts of many people reflect ingratitude and transgression and they themselves become witnesses for that.
"And to that fact he bears witness (by his deeds)."
(Qur'an: Translation of the meaning, 100:7)

To get rid of these bad qualities, people should avoid worldly desires except in the ways allowed, and they should always think of the spiritual pleasure and the Hereafter reward.

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