To ask "How are you?" in Italian, you can say:
- "Come stai?" (informal)
- "Come sta?" (formal)
- "Come state?" (plural formal)
Possible responses:
- "Sto bene" (I'm fine)
- "Sto male" (I'm not feeling well)
- "Sto così così" (I'm so-so)
Other ways to ask:
- "Come ti senti?" (How do you feel?)
- "Tutto bene?" (All good?)
- "Come va?" (How's it going?)
Formal and informal variations:
- Informal (tu): Come stai?
- Formal (Lei): Come sta?
- Plural informal (voi): Come state?
- Plural formal (Loro): Come stanno?
Italian greetings:
- Ciao! (Hello/Goodbye)
- Buongiorno! (Good morning!)
- Buona sera! (Good evening!)
- Buona notte! (Good night!)
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