Thursday 27 April 2023

Status on Laughter, Mockery, Talking,Blunder, Dead Heart

`Umar (Radyallahu`Anhu) Said,
1. The One Who Laughs A Lot Will Lose His Respect; 
2. The One Who Makes Mockery Of People Will Be Mocked By Others; 
3. The One Who Is Excessive In Something Will Become Known For It; 
4. The One Who Speaks A Lot Will Make Many Blunders; 
5. The One Who Makes Many Blunders Will Lose His Sense Of Shame; 
6. The One Who Loses His Sense Of Shame Will Lose His God-Consciousness (Taqwa); And 
7. The One Who Loses His God-Consciousness Will Cause His Heart To Die.
[Preparing For The Day Of Judgement By: Imaam Ibn Hajar Al‘ Asqalani, Page 33-35]

Tags: Why heart dies?, Harm of excessive talk, excessive laughter, mockery, loss of shame

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