Friday 28 April 2023

Allah's hands, face, descent, smile, speech, hearing, seeing, knowledge , rising over the throne

 Meaning and Explanation of Allah's hands,face, descent, smile, speech, hearing, seeing, knowledge , rising over the throne

Adh-Dhahabi said: The jurist and scholar of Baghdad in his time spoke the truth, for asking about the divine descent is not ambiguous, because people usually ask about ambiguous words in the language. Rather the divine descent, speech, hearing, seeing, knowledge and rising over the Throne are phrases which are clear in meaning for anyone who hears them. But if they are ascribed to the One of Whom it is said that there is none like unto Him, then the attribute is connected to the One to Whom it is ascribed, and its nature is unknown to people."(Al-‘Uluw li’l-‘Aliy al-Ghaffar  p. 2130214).

With regard to the questioner’s saying that if we say this, someone may ask us: So what is meant by Allah smiling? Or what is meant by the Countenance of Allah?

we say: What is meant by Allah’s smiling is to affirm that Allah, may He be exalted, possesses the attribute of smiling in a true – not metaphorical – sense, in a manner that is befitting to Him, may He be glorified, without likening Him to His creation or discussing how it is. Therefore we are affirm the attribute and affirm the linguistic meaning, and we leave knowledge of how it is to Him, as noted above. This is applicable to each of the divine attributes.

Complete Explanation:

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