Advice and good news for people who are not able perform Hajj (pilgrimage) this year due to pandemic of corona virus.
قال الحافظ إبن رجب الحنبلي رحمه الله:
من فاته في هذا العام القيام بعرفة فليقم لله بحقه الذي عرفه من عجز عن المبيت بمزدلفة فليبت عزمه على طاعة الله وقد قربه وأزلفه من لم يمكنه القيام بأرجاء الخيف فليقم لله بحق الرجاء والخوف من لم يقدر على نحر هديه بمنا فليذبح هواه هنا وقد بلغ المنا من لم يصل إلى البيت لأنه منه بعيد فليقصد رب البيت فإنه أقرب إلى من دعاه ورجاه من حبل الوريد
لطائف المتعارف صفحة ٣١٠ | الحافظ ابن رجب الحنبلي رحمه الله
For those who are not able to do Hajj this year, reflect on the beautiful words of Al-Imām Rajab al-Hambali رحمه الله who said:
“Whoever is not able to stand at Arafah, then let him stop at the limits Allāh has set. Whoever is not able to spend the night at Muzdalifah, let him spend the night in obedience to Allāh which will allow him to become close and attain nearness to Him. Whoever is not able to slaughter at Mina, then let him slaughter his desires therefore he can reach his objective. Whoever is not able to reach the house because it is far, then proceed towards the Lord of the Ka’bah, for He is closer to him than his jugular vein.”
Latā’f al-Ma'ārif | Page 310 | Al-Imām ibn Rajab al-Hambali [may Allāh have mercy on him]
Translation: Authentic Quotes