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Showing posts from July, 2020

Eid for increasing GDP, Economy and Employment

Bakreid Economics 20 crore plus Indian Muslim will celebrate Bakri Eid, assuming 10% Muslim will sacrifice Goat of minimum Rs 5000/- each... 2 cr * Rs 5000 = *Rs 10000 crore* Who all get benefited from this economic of scale... It's only and only farmers in rural India.... If one farmer manage average around 10 goats a year then  2 cr ÷ 10 = 20 lac families Employement  So Bakri Eid contribute to local business economic of Rs 10000 crore plus and provide Employement to around 20 lacs small farmers  Also each goat meat is distributed to poor and eaten by at least 20 people, so Bakri Eid🐏 provide food to 2 cr * 20 people = 40 crore people (distribution to poor is not on basis of religion and hence all the poor from various community are benefited) Key Economic benefits of Bakri Eid Business - Rs 10000 cr Free Food - 40 cr people Employment - 20 lac people This are bare minimum estimation, actual can be close to double of above Livestock cattle🐏 is the most liquid asset in...

Dua and message during pandemic of Corona virus(Covid-19)

May Allah, Ash Shares, grant you Shifa, speedy recovery and health May Allah increase your immunity.  Effects of Dua on Covid -19 and Corona. There are many Dua mentioned in Quran and Hadith. We should read them frequently. May Allah relieve your pain May Allah remove and eradicate this pandemic of corona virus and other diseases from the world.  May Allah protect you and your family.  May Allah increase your rizq and sustenance.  May Allah protect old and elderly people.  May Allah help researchers and doctors to find vaccine for corona virus.  May Allah remove your stress, fear and anxiety and grant you peace.  May Allah protect your children.  May Allah grant safety and protection.  . May Allah cure all your ailments.  May Allah solve your financial problems May Allah make all countries financial strong and stable.  May Allah reduce corona virus cases.  May Allah help covid 19 patients.  Don't underestimate the power an...

Which is better recitation of Quran or dhikr(zikr) or Dua?

What is better, reciting the Qur’aan or saying the Takbeeraat in the first 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah and the days of Tashreeq (the three days following Eid al-Adhha, i.e. 11th, 12th, 13th of Dhul-Hijjah)?  FIRST: People often make a comparison between the recitation of the Qur’aan and doing Dhikr, which they should not be doing. There is nothing that can be compared to the recitation of the Qur’aan, and as the Prophet ﷺ had said, the best Speech is the Book of Allaah. The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said:  ❝The best talk (speech) is Allaah’s Book (the Qur’aan), and the best way (for guidance) is the way of Muhammad, and the worst matters are the heresies (those new things which are introduced into the religion).❞ [Saheeh Muslim] Moreover, the recitation of the Qur’aan itself is Dhikr (remembrance of Allaah).  Furthermore, and the words of Dhikr are from the Qur’aan itself as the Prophet ﷺ had said: Samurah Ibn Jundub رضي الله عنه narrated that the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said: ...

Advice and good news for people who are not able perform Hajj (pilgrimage) this year due to pandemic of corona virus.

قال الحافظ إبن رجب الحنبلي رحمه الله: من فاته في هذا العام القيام بعرفة فليقم لله بحقه الذي عرفه من عجز عن المبيت بمزدلفة فليبت عزمه على طاعة الله وقد قربه وأزلفه من لم يمكنه القيام بأرجاء الخيف فليقم لله بحق الرجاء والخوف من لم يقدر على نحر هديه بمنا فليذبح هواه هنا وقد بلغ المنا من لم يصل إلى البيت لأنه منه بعيد فليقصد رب البيت فإنه أقرب إلى من دعاه ورجاه من حبل الوريد لطائف المتعارف صفحة ٣١٠ | الحافظ ابن رجب الحنبلي رحمه الله For those who are not able to do Hajj this year, reflect on the beautiful words of Al-Imām Rajab al-Hambali رحمه الله who said: “Whoever is not able to stand at Arafah, then let him stop at the limits Allāh has set. Whoever is not able to spend the night at Muzdalifah, let him spend the night in obedience to Allāh which will allow him to become close and attain nearness to Him. Whoever is not able to slaughter at Mina, then let him slaughter his desires therefore he can reach his objective. Whoever is not able to reach the house because it is far, then proceed ...

Importance, significance and rewards :Day of Arafah

Significance and Virtues of the Day of Arafah                            1⃣Fasting on the day of Arafah is an expiation for two years. : The ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day of ’Arafah, since it is on this day that the pilgrims gather at the mountain plain of ’Arafah, praying and supplicating to their Lord. It is mustahabb (highly recommended) for those who are not pilgrims to fast on this day, since the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) was asked about fasting on the day of ’Arafah, so he said,  🔹“It expiates the sins (Minor) of the past year and the coming year.” [Muslim (no. 1162)] Imaam at-Tirmidhee (d.275H) – rahimahullaah – said, “The People of Knowledge consider it recommended to fast on the day of ’Arafah, except for those at ’Arafah.”  [Muslim (no. 1348)] 2⃣Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala frees slaves from the fire on Arafat more than any other day: Likewise, the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi w...

Message, wishes and greeting for Eid (during pandemic covid-19)

*‎السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته* Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barkatuhu ‎تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ مِنَّا وَ مِنْكُمْ صِيَامَنَا وَ صِيَامَكُمْ  Taqabbalallahu minna Wa  minkum May Allah accept our fast, ibadah, qiyam and forgive all our previous sins and enlighten us with good deeds...!!! May Allah shower His blessings of joy, happiness, wealth and success on you and your family...!!! May Allāh lift the bala and waba from world and protect every one in every corner of the earth May Allah enrich, guide, strengthen and bless our Ummah.  May Allah remove poverty, starvationand unemployment from earth.  Wishing You and Your family... A blessed Eid...!!! *Aameen* Do remember us, our families and our ummah in your duas.

Small army defeated big army due to good deeds, prayers, fasting and justice

At the end of the Battle of Yarmuk, the King of Rome began to ask his defeated army:  "Shame on you, tell me about those whom you fought.  Are they not men like yourselves?" They said, "Yes O King." He said, "Who was greater in number, you or them?" They said, "We are greater than them in every place."  He said, "Then why have you been defeated?"  An elder from their great heads said, "They have defeated us because they stand to pray at night, they fast during the day, they fulfill their oaths and they are just amongst themselves."   [Ibn Kathir's 'al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah']

Every good deed is precious and beneficial.

"What taste do you leave in others' mouths?" There was an old man who was admitted in a hospital. A young man was visiting him every day, and sits with him for more than one hour. He helps him eat his food, and to take his shower. Then he takes him walking in the garden of the hospital. After that he brings him back to his room and helps him to lie down. He goes away after reassuring himself that the old man is doing well. One day the nurse entered his room, to give him medicine and inspect his condition, and said to him: "May the Allah be always gracious to your kind and caring son. Every day he visits you and shows great care." The old man looked at her and closed his eyes and said to her: "I wish it was one of my children. This is an orphan from the neighborhood where we live. I met him one day in the past, crying at the door of a Masjid, after his father died. I comforted him and bought for him candy. I neither saw him nor talked to him for a very long ...

Expectation in the morning:How are you feeling in the morning?

*Q*: _How are you this morning?_ *Imam Ahmad* (rahimahullah) *replied:* *How would anyone be* *• Whose Lord demands from him that he carry out the obligatory duties*  *• Whose Prophet is demanding that he follow the Sunnah* *• Whose two Angels are demanding that he mend his ways* *• Whose nafs is demanding that he follows its whim and desires*  *• And Iblees is demanding that he commit immoral actions (and others sins)* *• Whose soul the Angel of Death is watching and waiting to take?!* *• And whose family are asking him to provide for them and spend on their maintenance?!* 📚[Siyar a’laam an-Nubalaa’, vol. 11, pg. 277]