*Reward of staying indoor during the outbreak of pandemic*.
It has been reported from the Prophet that whosoever remains in his house during the outbreak of an epidemic, will have the reward of a martyr even if he doesn't die (from the outbreak).
Meanwhile, the narration was reported authentically from Aaishah, the Mother of the Believers (May Allaah be pleased with her) that she said:
I asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) about an epidemic. Then the Messenger of Allaah informed me that an epidemic is a punishment which Allaah descends upon whom He likes but rather a mercy upon the Believers. And there is no one whom a epidemic strikes in his land but remains patiently in his house expecting Allaah's reward upon his self-restraint while knowing that nothing will afflict him except what Allaah had predestined except that he will have for himself the similitude of the reward of a martyr.
The chain of transmission is authentic according to the stipulations of Al-Bukhaari.
It was reported by Al-Bukhaari (3437), An-Nasaai (7527) in As-Sunnan Al-Kubraa and Ahmad (26139) while the wording of this particular narration is that of Ahmad.
Ibn Hajar (May Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The text of the narration stipulates that whosoever attains the attributes mentioned (in the hadeeth) will have the reward of a martyr even if he doesn't die from the epidemic.
[Fathul Baariy (10/194)]
*So, staying aloof from assemblies and gatherings whether religious or social during this pandemic period is itself a means of attaining a lofty status before Allaah.*
May Allaah reward our patience with good.