*The Muslim is truthful and sincere with all people.
*He does not cheat. deceive or betray.
*He does not envy others.
*He fulfills his promises.
*He has the attitude of shyness.
*He is tolerant and forgiving.
*He is cheerful.
*He is not pushy.
*He is patient.
*He avoids slandering or uttering obscenities/curses.
*He does not unjustly accuse others of fisq or kufr.
*He does not backbite.
*He is shy and modest.
*He does not interfere in that which does not concern him.
*He refrains from gossiping, spreading slander and stirring up trouble.
*He avoids false speech and suspicion.
*When he is entrusted with a secret, he keeps it and does not disclose it.
*He is modest and never arrogant.
*He does not make fun of anyone.
*He respects his elders and those who are distinguished.
*He mixes with the best of people.
*He is keen to do good to people and protect them from harm.
*He strives to reconcile between the Muslims.
*He is forbidden to insult gods of non-muslims, which in turn would lead them to insult Allah wrongfully without knowledge.
*He calls others to the way of his Lord (Islam) with wisdom and beautiful preaching.
*He visits the sick and attends funerals.
*He returns favours and is grateful for them.
*He mixes with people and bears their mistreatment with patience.
*He tries to make people happy as much as he can.
*He guides people to do good.
*He always likes to make things easy and not to make them hard.
*He is fair in his judgements.
*He does not oppress others or play favourites.
*He is not a hypocrite or a sycophant or a show-off.
*He does not boast about his deeds and achievements.
*He is straightforward and is never devious or twisted, no matter what the circumstances.
*He loves noble things and hates foolishness.
*He does not exaggerate in his speech or puff up his cheek with pride.
*He is generous and does not remind others of his gifts or favours.
*He is hospitable and does not complain when a guest comes to him.
*He prefers others to himself as much as possible.
*He relieves the burden of the debtor.
*He is proud (self-dignity) and does not think of begging.
*He knows that the upper hand (giver) is better than the lower (taker).
*He gets along with people and they feel comfortable with him.
*He measures all of his habits and customs against Islamic standards.
*He follows Islamic etiquette in eating, drinking, giving salaam, visiting people, entering their homes and sitting with them, and in other social activities.
_And The Soul And He Who Proportioned It._
_Then He Showed Him What Is Wrong For Him And What Is Right For Him._
_Successful Is He Who Purifies It._
_And Indeed He Fails Who Corrupts It_
_Qur'an 91:7-10_