Asalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakatuhu
*Mawlid of Prophet ﷺ*
I have interacted with many ulama of various maslak on this subject. Out of my experience of interactions I framed few questions which I ask every aalim who believe in celebration of milaad to give evidences for same in the light of quran , Sunnah & not using any interpretations or historic events . The answer to the following questions must be clearly available in the matn of the ayaat or hadith. The questions are as follows:
1. To prove the 12th Rabbi Ul Awwal or any other date as the date of birth of Prophet ﷺ? (Do not ask day or else they will quote the Monday Hadith)?
2. When was this day declared as eid ?
3. What is the method of celebrating this eid ?? Evidence for the amal quoted to be done on this day of eid?
(Please note in all eidein the khutbah & Salah is practiced. Even on Fridays eid ul mumineen Khutbah & salaat is observed. so if this day is declared as eid please quote an hadith that Prophet ﷺ & Sahaba RA celeberated eid on the date of birth of prophet Muhammad ﷺ .What is the specific amal with regards to this eid as we give fitra on one eid & offera dhabiha on other what is the specific amal of this eid?. Also ask to them to prove the amal that is prescribed to be done on day of eid & not by an amal which is forbidden to do on day of eid)
4. Prophet ﷺ celebrated his birthday every year & commanded the sahaba RA to celebrate his ﷺ birth day every year?
5. The sahaba RA celeberated the birthday of prophet ﷺ every year & commanded same to others?
6. The Aslaaf (I.e. the tabeen RM, Atba Tabaeen RM, Aima RM and other salf us saalih)celebrated the birthday of prophet ﷺ every year & commanded same?
7. If the Prophet ﷺ, Sahaba RA & Aslaaf celebrated the birthday of prophet ﷺ as eid every year then why is there is a conflict on date of birth of Prophet ﷺ ?
(As there is no conflict the first of shawwal being the day of eid Ul Zuha, & 10 Dhul Hijjah being the Yaum Un Nahr or Eid Uz Zuha)?
8. If prophet ﷺ, followed by sahaba rs followed by aslaaf RM celebrated the mawlid of prophet ﷺ every year & the date was proven they why did ulama had to present their tehqeeq on date of birth of Muhammad ﷺ ??
for example: As per Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwi the date of birth is 8th rabbi Ul Awwal While as per Abdul Khader Jeelani RM the date of Birth of Muhammad ﷺ is in Muharram while others have quoted other dates why were they forced to present their tehqeeq on something which was already proven & being celebrated ? or does this mean even if any amal is proven the ulama would still present their tehqeeq over a proven amal ??
9. Finally the celebrators of mawlid instead following their most learned scholars tehqeeq & celebrating milad on date as per their Scholars tehqeeq celebrate it on 12th Rabbi Ul Awwal which does not comply with the tehqeeq of their learned scholars does this mean they themselves do not rely on the teqheeq of the scholars?
Al Hamdulillah so far none of their scholars even their best scholar failed to answer these questions& In Sha Allah till qiyamah they will not be able to as when haqq comes baatil fades away.
*How they play fool*
Few of their celebrated scholars quote personalities that aulan person or fulan person celebrated mawlid during 8th Century or 9th Century..
Number one what a person does is not hujjah only what Allah commanded and Prophet SAWS expressed though his words actions is the shariah.