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What is Taqwa??

ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ ﻭﺭﺣﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻭﺑﺮﻛﺎﺗﻪ
Beautiful explanation of
Taqwa is not our manners...
Taqwa is not about looking
Taqwa is not about sporting a
beard / wearing a Hijab...
Taqwa is not appearance
🔔Taqwa is when you miss
a single prayer, you feel
uneasy the whole day...
💣Taqwa is when you
speak a lie , your instinct
feels bad..
🔪Taqwa is the guilt that
follows when u hurt someone
knowingly or unknowingly,
💉Taqwa is the shame and
regret that follows a sin you
did knowing fully well about
it's stand in the sight of
🔌Taqwa is when you
cannot sleep the whole night
after disobeying or
disrespecting your parents..
🔬Taqwa is to cry in the
depths of night fearing none
but the one above the Arsh.
🔭Taqwa is the fear that
refrains us from sinning even
when we are alone and
nobody is looking...
✏Taqwa is the guts and the
will to please Allah, even
when the whole world is bent
on displeasing Him...
💺Taqwa is to wear that
beard and Hijab for the sole
reason of pleasing Our Rabb
and to keep it as per
🎪Taqwa is the good
manners and character that
loving and fearing Allah
brings in us...
🎴Taqwa is the struggle to
better yourself according to
Islam with each passing
🎯Taqwa is not only about
rising in deen, it is more
about falling but rising up
again and never letting go...
💟And if YOUR heart is
filled with proper Taqwa, then
actions automatically follow...
And the sweetness of these
actions are so much better..

True righteousness, A genuine person, definition of piety, who is pious person?, True piety, who is a good person.

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