Our death and meeting with our creator is approaching but yet our biggest worry is what to wear tomorrow ? what to eat tomorrow ? which house to live in tomorrow ? or who will I marry tomorrow ?
Na'am, it is good to prepare for tomorrow, but which tomorrow ?
There are two types of tomorrow, the one that you are very sure will come (i.e tomorrow of hereafter) and the one that you are not sure will come (i.e tomorrow of the dunya).
Get ready for the real tomorrow, it's the one upon which almighty Allah says;
"يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله ولتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد..... " سورة الحشر ؛ ١٨
"O you who believe, fear Allah, and let every person look to what he has sent forth for tomorrow..... " Q 59:18.
One day your tomorrow will just be a memory to people and a lesson to others. Do anything you can to gain the pleasure of almighty Allah.
Just imagine how many people were there with us last year and are no longer with us this year ? our turn is soon approaching, a day that has no tomorrow, a day that won't mind our schedules or commitments, a day that won't mind if we are ready or not.
May Allah SWT Grant us the ability of preparing for this day.