Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Advantage of being strange

Importance of strangers in Islam and meaning of strangers:

Shaykh Al Albani Rahimahullah said:

"If you speak about Tawheed, the people of Shirk renounce you.

And if you speak about the Sunnah, the people of innovation renounce you.

And if you speak about proof and evidence, the math-hab blind followers, Sufis and the ignorant renounce you.

And if you speak about Islam and its connection with our daily lives, the secularists and whoever wants to seperate religion from the lives of people renounce you.

And regardless of all of that, we are happy with this strangeness, and are proud to be strange, because the Prophet of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him and his household) praised these strangers, he said:

"Islam began as something strange and will return to be strange just as it began, so glad tidings to the strangers" They asked him "and who are they O Messenger of Allah"? He replied: "they are the ones who are upright when the people are corrupted"

[Al Silsilah Al Sahihah 1273]

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