Saturday, 2 September 2017

QURAN has solutions for all your problems and needs

  QURAN has solution for failure, difficulty, loneliness, depression, victory, sadness, troubles

You say: I'm a failure
Allaah says: The Believers are successful (Al-Mu'minoon: 1)

You say: It’s too difficult
Allaah says: “With every difficulty there is ease (Inshiraah: 6)

You say: No one can help me
Allaah says:'s upon Us to help the believers (Ar-Rum: 47)

You say: No one is with me
Allaah says: No doubt I'm with you! (Taha: 46)

You say: I'm too sinful
Allaah says: He loves those who repent (Al-Baqarah: 222)

You say: The religion is too hard
Allaah says: He wants ease for you (Al-Baqarah: 185)

You say: I don't have much 
Allaah says: For those who believe and do righteous deeds is a generous provision. (Al-Hajj: 50)

You say: I'm always sick
Allaah says: ...We've sent down the Quraan as a healing (Al-Israa: 82)

You say: I'm overburdened
Allaah says: Allaah will not burden a soul more than it can bear (Al-Baqarah: 286)

You say: I feel lost
Allaah says: And He found you lost so He guided you (Ad-Duhaa: 7)

You say: I'm too ugly
Allaah says: We've certainly created man in the best make and appearance (At-Teen: 4)

You say: I'm unrewarded and feel unappreciated
Allaah says: Your efforts and striving will be rewarded appreciated! (Insaan: 22)

You say: I feel dishonoured
Allaah says: We have indeed honoured the children of Adam (Al-Israa: 70)

You say: Shaytaan's plot is too strong
Allaah says: Shaytaan's plot is indeed weak (An-Nisaa: 76)

You say: Victory is far away
Allaah says: The victory of Allaah is indeed close (Al-Baqarah: 214)

#ALQURAN - The Book for all your needs and all your deeds.

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