Thursday, 19 November 2015

IS is Terrorist organisation

This is Daesh ISIS. . . . ! – Shaykh

 Badr bin Muhammad al-Badr al-


“Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)

November 19, 2015
Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya
Daesh (in Arabic) are the initials for ‘Dawla al-Iraq wa Shaam al-Islaami. [Islamic state of Iraq and Shaam & in English termed as ISIS 
  • They do not know anything of Islaam except for the word ‘Islaam’, they are the most ignorant about Islaam.

  • This misguided sect came from the Khawarij, al-Qa’ida movement, the grandchildren of Abdurahman bin Muljam. [The evil dog who assassinated Ali RadhiAllaahu anhu]

  • The al-Qa’ida movement was the mother whilst Daesh and Jabha an-Nusrah are the children.

  • The children (ISIS) have begun making Takfeer of each other and killing each other as was the condition of their forefathers , the Najdaat and the Azaariqa who made Takfeer of each other and killed each other.

  • So the children (ISIS) repeated the history of their fathers in making Takfeer, treachery and cheating. Moreover the children – meaning Daesh – have even more extreme exaggeration than their forefathers.

  • When they make Takfeer of one of the Believers ➡ they ‘declare his blood, wealth and honour lawfully to be taken.’
 They have no mercy upon the young, or old, or those of intellect, nor the insane, or a woman or a baby.
– they display the dead bodies and set fire to them.
– the Hadeeth mentions: ‘The Prophet – alayhi salat wa sallam – prohibited mutilation and displaying the dead body.’
– it is affirmed from the Messenger – alayhi salat wa sallam:
‘When he would appoint a leader, he would advise him with having Taqwa(Fear of Allaah). He would say to them go to battle(if some one attacks you), do not be treacherous, do not mutilate and display the body, do not kill a woman, old person nor a child.’

 This is Daesh
– ‘they make Takfeer of the rulers of the Believers.’
– ‘they make their blood lawful to take.’
– ‘rather they make Takfeer of everyone who opposes them from the Believer.’
  • The Messenger of Allaah – alayhi salat wa sallam – said :
    (لزوال الدنیا أھون عند الله من قتل مسلم بغیر حق)
    ‘The whole of the Dunyaa(World)being destroyed is lesser to Allaah than unlawfully killing a Believer.’

This is some of what I have heard about this misguided sect IS, dogs of the Hell fire. I ask Allaah Ta’ala to hasten their destruction.
Written by Shaykh Badr Muhammad al-Badr al-Anazi

ISIS is terrorist organisation. IS is terrorist. All Muslims of world condemn attack on innocent people of paris, iraq, syria.It is against Islam. It is against teachings of Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).Islam prohibits suicide bombings, killing innocent people and terrorism. Islam means Peace. Islam encourages Peace. Killers of  French,Syrian and Iraqis are terrorist and militant. Islamic Scholars and Ulemas condemn attack on french people in paris, innocent people in other parts of world. Islam teaches and means Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace..... it is derived from the word salaam means Peace. Muslims should raise voice against Terrorism. Eradicate IS from the world..... Promote Peace...IS are not followers of Quran and Sunnah. They are terrorists.... Islamic teachings  are against  actions and activities of IS....... Killing, Suicide bombings, Hijacking, Kidnapping, Torturing, Beheading innocent people is against teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), Islam, Quran. May Allah Protect us from harm, destruction, terrorism and grief. Aameen. May Allah grant us Safety and Security.May Allah create and maintain peace in France, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Burma, India, Pakistan and other countries.

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