Saturday, 14 September 2013


Al-Halim (The Forbearing, The Indulgent) – Allah’s Name

“Al-Halim” is one of Allah’s 99 Names. The meaning of Al-Halim is “The Forbearing, The Indulgent”
islam on Al Halim (The Forbearing, The Indulgent)   Allahs Name

Quranic Verses with Al-Halim

islam on Al Halim (The Forbearing, The Indulgent)   Allahs Name
There is no blame upon you for that to which you [indirectly] allude concerning a proposal to women or for what you conceal within yourselves. Allah knows that you will have them in mind. But do not promise them secretly except for saying a proper saying. And do not determine to undertake a marriage contract until the decreed period reaches its end. And know that Allah knows what is within yourselves, so beware of Him. And know that Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing.(Surat Al-Baqarah2:235)
islam on Al Halim (The Forbearing, The Indulgent)   Allahs Name
islam on Al Halim (The Forbearing, The Indulgent)   Allahs Name
The seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in them exalt Him. And there is not a thing except that it exalts [ Allah ] by His praise, but you do not understand their [way of] exalting. Indeed, He is ever Forbearing and Forgiving.(Surat Al-’Isra’17:44)
islam on Al Halim (The Forbearing, The Indulgent)   Allahs Name
islam on Al Halim (The Forbearing, The Indulgent)   Allahs Name
He will surely cause them to enter an entrance with which they will be pleased, and indeed, Allah is Knowing and Forbearing.(Surat Al-Haj 22:59)

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Machine Learning in health care industry "This innovative technology revolutionizes healthcare by analyzing patient records, medical im...