As-Salam (The Peace)
Al-Quddoos (The Holy)
The One Who is far greater and far removed from any imperfection, or that He resemble any of His creation. Hence he is far removed from any defect just as He is far removed from anything resembling Him or coming close to resembling Him in any of His Attributes of Perfection.
"There is nothing like Him"(42:11)
"There is no one equal to or comparable to Him"(112:3)
"Do you know of any who is similar to Him?" (19:65),
"Then do not set up rivals to Allaah." (2:22)
Al-Quddoos is similar in meaning to as-Salaam in that they both negate any form of imperfection while at the same time including unlimited perfection in every way. This because when deficiency has been removed then all that remains is perfection.
"Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allaah - the King, the Holy, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." (62:1)
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One of the attributes of Allah is As-Salaam, The Author of peace, safety, security and immunity - the One Who renders safe and free from evils or afflictions [59:23].
Allah gives in the Quran, an open invitation to all mankind to Daar-is-salaam (i.e. the Abode of Peace & Safety) [10:25]. He also gives with the Quran the guidance to Subul-as-salaam (i.e. the ways of Peace & Safety) [5:15-16]. Not only this but He also gives in the Quran characteristics of people upon whom will be Salaam.
Salaam will be upon those who believe in the Ayaat of Allah [6:54] ; those who follow Al-Huda (i.e. the Guidance from Allah) [20:47]; those who guard themselves against the inevitable harmful consequences of violating Allah's Laws and Commands by careful observance [15: 45-46, 39:73]; those who exhibit Sabr [13:24, 25:75]; those who never give false witness; who do not participate in assemblies of vanity, and when they pass near senseless play, pass by with dignity; who, whenever they are reminded of even the Revelations of their Lord, do not fall at them deaf and blind (with deaf and blind acceptance); who say, "Our Lord! Grant us that our spouses and children be a joy to our eyes (that they excel in character) [25:72-75]; those who serve only Him and do not associate anything or anyone with Him (in service) [27:59]; and those who (ultimately) will go to paradise [7:46].
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The word 'salaam' comes from the root 'salema', which implies to disassociate oneself from evil and harm. Thus, when we greet other Muslims, the greeting means: "No harm shall come to you from me (may no evil come to you, may no harm come to you)
And since As-Salaam is also one of the Beautiful Names of Allaah, the greeting of salaam also means, "May the blessing of His Name descend upon you, may Allah be with you, may Allah guide and protect you."
And since As-Salaam is also one of the Beautiful Names of Allaah, the greeting of salaam also means, "May the blessing of His Name descend upon you, may Allah be with you, may Allah guide and protect you."
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Al-Quddoos has the following meanings:
* -The One Who is far from every imperfection, impurity, fault, defect, demerit, flaw, error, mistake, shortcoming, deficiency, or from everything derogatory
* -All-Holy
* -All-Pure
* -All-Perfect
* -All-Holy
* -All-Pure
* -All-Perfect
From the root Q-D-S, which leads to the following meanings:
* -To be or go far away
* -To be far from impurity or imperfection
* -To be far from impurity or imperfection
The root Q-D-S appears 10 times in the Quran in the following verses [2:30, 2:87, 2:253, 5:21, 5:110, 16:102, 20:12, 59:23, 62:1, 79:16]
Allah is Al-Quddoos [59:23, 62:1].
Believing that Allah is Al-Quddoos means considering Him free from every imperfection, impurity, fault, defect, demerit, flaw, error, mistake, shortcoming, deficiency, or from everything derogatory.
Not only this but it also implicates (as a necessary outcome) to become ourselves as free from imperfections, impurities, faults etc. as is humanly possible. And also to make or do everything that we make or do as perfect and as free from faults or imperfections as is humanly possible.
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Question: What is the meaning of Allaah’s name al-Quddoos (the Holy)?
Praise be to Allaah.
Al-Quddoos (the Holy) is the One Who is Blessed and Pure, who is exalted above all impurity. It was said that the angels sanctify Him and He, may He be exalted, is the One Who is praised for His virtues and goodness.
Allaah is al-Quddoos because He is far above having any opposites, rivals, partner or son. He is described as being perfect, and is far above having any faults or shortcomings at all. He is far above anything being near Him or like Him in any aspect of His perfection. Ibn Jareer said:
“Taqdees (sanctification) is purification and veneration… Quddoos… purity and veneration are for Him, hence land may be described as ard muqaddasah or holy land, meaning that it is pure. When the angels say ‘Nuqaddisu laka (we sanctify You)’ it means we attribute to You Your attributes of being pure and free of all impurities and of all that the people of kufr attribute to You. It was said that the angels’ sanctification of their Lord is their prayer (salaah). Then he mentioned some of the comments of the mufassireen, who said that taqdees (sanctification) may mean prayer, veneration, glorification, magnification or obedience. Salaah and veneration come back to purification because they declare Him to be pure and free from all that the people of kufr attribute to Him.