Yahya ibn Yahya reported: We were with Malik ibn Anas, may Allah have mercy on him, and a man came to him, saying, “O Abu Abdullah, ‘the Merciful rose above the Throne,’ (20:5). How is this rising?” Malik bowed his head silently until he raised it dripping sweat, saying, “The rising is not unknown, its modality is inconceivable, faith in it is an obligation, and asking about it is an innovation. I do not see you as anything but an heretic.” Then, he ordered for the man to be expelled. Al-Bayhaqi said, “Most of our scholars followed this example in the issue of the divine attribute of ‘rising,’ as well as the issues of ‘coming,’ ‘going,’ and ‘descending.'” Source: al-I’tiqād lil-Bayhaqī 1/116 Belief and explanation of rising of Allah to throne( Arsh) and descending from Throne( Arsh)