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Showing posts from May, 2020

Seeking Divorce without genuine reason

All Praises are Due to Allah The divorce of a Muslimah from her husband is an affair which is loathsome to Allah and not a praise worthy event. This is due to the problems and possible evils. However, if there is a situation in the marriage life taking place between the man and the women, due to a defect or defects in one or both of them, such problems of deen, bad character, sickness, or a defect such as being sterile or similar. Then out of the mercy of Allah, seeking divorce is permissible. In this case, it is okay and there is nothing prohibited in seeking a divorce. The thing which is prohibited is a wife seeking a divorce from her husband for no reason of the shariah. There is serious promise made for seeking a divorce without a valid reason. It is reported in the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), "If a women asks her husband for a divorce, for no reason, then the smell of paradise is forbidden for her". (At-Tirmidhi narrated it. He said ...

Regret after gathering and meeting

 Messenger of Allah  said:"There is not a people that get up from their seated gathering in which they do not mention Allah the exalted except that they would have gotten up from the like of a donkey's carcass, and it would be something for them to regret". Reporters . Reported by Abu Dawood. Al-Albani said it was also reported by Al-Hakim, who said it was sound according to the conditions of Muslim; that Ath-Thahabi agreed; and that the hadeeth was as they said.

Reality of Life

Reality of life: Remember death Al-Hasan al Basri said: *“Death has exposed the reality of this life and did not leave chance for the wise person to delight in it.”* - (Tarikh Baghdad, vol.14, p.444).

Shawwal fast in continuity or we can take break in between

Praise be to Allaah. It is not a necessary condition that they should be fasted consecutively. If you fast them separately or consecutively, it is OK. The sooner you do them, the better, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meanings): so compete in good deeds [al-Maaidah 5:48] And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord [Aal Imran 3:133] [Moosa peace be upon him said:] and I hastened to You, O my Lord, that You might be pleased [Ta-Ha 20:84] And (you should hasten to fast these six days) because delaying may cause problems. This is the view of the Shaafa is and some of the Hanbalis, but it is OK if you do not hasten it and you delay it until the middle or end of the month. Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Our companions said: it is mustahabb to fast six days of Shawwaal. Because of this hadeeth they said: it is mustahabb to fast these days consecutively at the beginning of Shawwaal, but if one separates them or delays them until after Shaw...

It is due to our hard work or it is due to Allah's help.. . which is correct

Praise be to Allah. Firstly: Mentioning something and connecting it to its cause ( sabab ) may be permissible, or it may be haraam, according to what the speaker means when he makes this connection, and what he believes in his heart about the matter. If he connects the thing to its cause, believing that the cause brought about the result in and of itself, without the will and decree of Allah, may He be exalted, or he forgets that Allah, may He be exalted, is the true source of blessings, and were it not for His grace, kindness and mercy, no blessings could have reached him and no harm could have been warded off from him, or he does that out of arrogance, praising himself for having been the one who did it, and were it not for him, such and such would not have happened, then in these three scenarios, attributing the thing to its cause or means is haraam, and may constitute shirk, either minor or major, according to what the speaker believes. It is not permissible to believe that means a...

Takbir of Eid

*Different types of takbīr to say on Eid:* *Takbīr of Ibn 'Abbās (may Allāh be pleased with him):* Allāhu akbar kabīrā  Allāhu akbar kabīrā  Allāhu akbar wa ajall  Allāhu akbar wa lillāhil-hamd (Sahih: Ibn Abī Shaybah 5692) *Takbīr of Ibn Mas'ūd (may Allāh be pleased with him):* Allāhu akbar Allāhu akbar Allāhu akbar Lā ilāha illa Allāh Wallāhu akbar Wallāhu akbar Wa lillāhi-hamd (Sahīh Ibn Abī Shaybah 5679) *Takbīr of Ibn 'Umar (may Allāh be pleased with him):* Allāhu akbar Allāhu akbar Allāhu akbar Lā ilaha illa Allāh wahdahu lā sharīka lahu Wa huwa 'alā kulli shay-in qadīr (Hasan: al-Awsat of Ibn al-Mundhir 2202) *Takbīr of Salmān (Allah be pleased with him):* Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar Allahumma anta a'lā wa ajall min an takūna laka Sāhiba aw yakūnu laka walad Aw yakūnu laka waliyyun min adh-dhul Wa kabbir-hu takbīrā Allāhumma igh-fir lana Allāhumma ir-hamnā (Sahīh: Jāmi' Ma'mar 20581) *Takbīr of 'Alī ibn Abī Tālib (may Allah be pleased with him):* A...

Real and true Eid

“Eid is not for the one who wears new clothes,Eid is for the one whose obedience rises. Eid is not for the one with beautiful clothes & fine means of transport, Eid is for the ones whose sins are forgiven” -Ibn Rajab Hanbalee رحمه الله  [Laataif: 371]

Who is a genuine, true and good student?

Ibn Qutayba [رحمه الله] said: *❝A student in the past used to listen to learn and know to do good deeds and understand the Deen of Allaah so he could benefit himself and benefit others.* *Now it has become: he listens to gather knowledge, he gathers knowledge so he can be mentioned amongst people, he memorizes so he can win an argument and can be proud.❞* [Ikhtilaaf al-Alfaath, (Page: 18) |  Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya]

Forgiveness of sins

Ibn Umar [رضي الله عنه] said: The Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] said: When the servant stands to pray all his sins are taken and are placed on his head and shoulders. Every time he bows or prostrates the sins fall away from him. [Saheeh ul-Jaami', (No. 1671) | Translated By Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq]