Purification through Tawheed Mankind’s Greatest Need January 17, 2014 Source: Al-Ibanah Magazine Issue No.2 – Rabî’ul-Awwal 1416H / August 1995 In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy Introduction Ibn Abil-’Izz (d.792H) – rahimahallâh – said: “Knowledge of Usûlud-Dîn (the fundamentals of the Dîn ) is the most noble branch of knowledge, since the excellence of a certain type of knowledge depends upon what it is concerned with, and this is the greater Fiqh (understanding), which is why Imâm Abû Hanîfah (d. 150H) – rahmatullâhi ’alayhi – called that which he compiled concerning Usûl ud-Dîn : “al-Fiqhul-Akbar.” (the Greatest Fiqh ). The need of the servants for this knowledge is greater than every other need; and it is the most necessary of all things for them, since there is no life for the hearts, nor any delight, nor any tranquility, except through knowing their Lord, the One to be worsh...